
A review of The End of Elsewhere. It sounds great, and if the entire book is as interesting as the excerpts it should be a fascinating read.

"Strolling through the Karen village, feeling voyeuristic as I glimpsed scenes of family intimacy, part of me hoped to experience something I didn't possess. My mobility was a form of decadence, and in travelling the world, something in me was seeking its antithesis. I'd come halfway around the globe to sit in a bamboo hut, searching for groundedness, tradition and community -- all the things I'd abandoned for the endless novelty of travel. And by fooling myself into thinking I'd bought something real, I'd become a chump, a despoiler. In a word, a tourist: somebody who travels abroad to purchase a simulated anecdote to an existential lack and then tries to deny the transaction has taken place."


Raed is back.

And Ken Layne has some things to say.
A defense of LSD


Ted Nugent, doing his best to piss off liberals.
Well worn territory here on Ted the Dog but I love to see this meme spread. Again, globalization is good for the world. LeGrain comments that America's cultural dominance is over blown and, frankly a bit simplistic of a way to veiw the world. But increasing diversity is good in the long haul: The really profound cultural changes have little to do with Coca-Cola. Western ideas about liberalism and science are taking root almost everywhere, while Europe and North America are becoming multicultural societies through immigration, mainly from developing countries. Technology is reshaping culture: Just think of the Internet. Individual choice is fragmenting the imposed uniformity of national cultures. New hybrid cultures are emerging, and regional ones re-emerging. National identity is not disappearing, but the bonds of nationality are loosening.

If America seems to have a somewhat larger impact on global culture, most likely it's because no nation so reflects the globe. This nation leads, but only because it absorbs so much from abroad.
Krugman nails the Bush photo op.

the Constitution declares the president commander in chief of the armed forces to make it clear that civilians, not the military, hold ultimate authority. That's why American presidents traditionally make a point of avoiding military affectations. Dwight Eisenhower was a victorious general and John Kennedy a genuine war hero, but while in office neither wore anything that resembled military garb.

Given that history, George Bush's "Top Gun" act aboard the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln — c'mon, guys, it wasn't about honoring the troops, it was about showing the president in a flight suit — was as scary as it was funny.


Note to Sammy Haggard fans, Diamond Dave kicks ass!
If nothing else, we know that Santorum is swimming against the tide of history. Bit by bit we'll leave fools like him behind.
If Montana can't elect a Libertarian Gov, the I don't know who can. A battle for the right to drink and drive.
Rey Sanchez gets his hair cut during a game. Not the worst sports crime perhaps, but it clearly doesn't bode well for the Mets.